Working overseas or locally - a hard choice to make


working overseas or locally a hard choice to make live English class

No secret that the main motivation for learning English is getting a good job. Quite often the desired work is available abroad. If it's not about working from home, it means only one thing - relocation.

Are you ready to leave the familiar environment for a career and financial well-being? How easy it is to adjust yourself to a new environment? Wouldn't it be better to stay at home and use your talents locally?

We will discuss these and other questions during our online lesson of conversational English, which is managed as a real language club.

We’ll offer you some interesting questions and activities aimed at developing English thinking and communication skills. The recommended level for participation is B1, B2.

See you online!

Event Details

Starts on:05/12/2021 19:00 MSK time
Ends on:05/12/2021 20:00 MSK time